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2013年2月 - 明法ニュース


OB懇談会2.JPG 2月20日午後のHRの時間を利用して、OB懇談会が行われました。4名のOB(文系分野専攻2名、理系分野専攻2名)が来校し、生徒は文理に分かれて、50分の時間の中で2名のOBの話を聞きました。



OB懇談会1.JPG 4名のOBの話に共通していることは、受験に向けて何か特別な勉強、テクニックを身に付けたということでなく、集中力と継続力を持って、日々の課題を着実にこなしたということです。4名とも部活にも在籍しており、普通のことを普通にやり続け、栄冠を掴んだのです。大学は高校までとは違って、本当の意味で好きな勉強ができるということも、どのOBも口にしたことでした。自分たちの身近な"手本"であるOBの話を通して、今後の学校生活を一層充実したものにしてもらえたらと願うばかりです。






学校の友人達と.JPG バスケットボール仲間と.JPGホストブラザー達と.jpeg




Dear Mr.Kamakura
Good evening. How's everything? Last week, I had many events. On Wednesday, I went to Kris's auntie's house. Kris is a student from China and he is staying with the same host family. Having wanted to experience another culture, I went there. Also the neighbors came there, but all the people were Chinese! We had BBQ and ate some Chinese food. I had great time.
On Friday, we had a swimming race held by Beaconhills College. I did 50m freestyle C, which was same race as H. and 8 people swam at the same time. I came in 5th place. Finally, our house won! It was so exciting!! Although I had hesitated to join the race at first, but I thought this challenge would be very good for me.
Yesterday I went shopping with Kris. When we were on our way home, we took the wrong bus. But we continued riding the bus. We nearly reached the sea at one time! Finally we got home safely after it got dark. Seeing the stars in the night sky, I felt that the day was not so bad.
Today is my little brother, Nathan's birthday. I gave Jinbei to Nathan and Sean. They looked so happy. So I am also happy.
At school, I am gradually making friends. I think it was really good that I joined the swimming race! It will help me make more friends!
Yours truly, S.N.


Hi Mr. Kamakura! How are you?
Second week of school and I'm starting to fit in. I still might be hanging with Meiho guys during lunch but I try to use English and I also try to hang with the other people.
  Last week I forgot to write about my classes so I'll write some about it now. Right now, I'm taking Ethics, Commerce, History, Healthy Body Healthy Mind (Physical Ed), Japanese, and ESL. You might have thought why Japanese. Yes, I did think that too. However I discussed this with my Japanese teacher and the head of senior school. They said that this class would be good for both us exchange students and Australian students. We can get some connection with them while they feel the real life Japanese. This class actually did help me to fit in to this school
I also took some challenging classes. Ethics is pretty hard. During this two weeks, we learned about human relationship. We read some articles and discussed about marriage and divorce. This class uses lots of hard words and I am having a hard time catching up. Writing a 200 words essay in 20 minutes isn't easy for me.
I've got to work hard on these hard classes.
As I wrote in the beginning, I am starting to hang around with other people. On Wednesday I played in a basketball game with year 12 people. My host family's cousin invited me to play in her friends' team because they had a missing player. It was a have fun game and I really enjoyed it. I might be able to play with them every week! It was nice of my cousin to invite me and I'm very thankful.
On Friday, we had a swimming carnival and I did the 50m freestyle and freestyle relay. I was able to talk with some people in my house. It felt really nice after the relay when one of my teammate said " Hiro is my Hero".
This weekend, I stayed at my cousins' house. Our host family has three cousins. Chloe is the one who invited me to basketball. She is the oldest and she is in year 12. Adrian (we call him Ace) is in the same grade as me. We played the Xbox together. Isabelle is the youngest and she is in year 7. I slept over at their house on Saturday. We watched some movies that was on TV and also played with a game called "4 pictures one word". It was very nice spending the weekend with them. We all go to the same school so I hope I can hang with them, especially with Ace. I've put on a picture of me and the guys I played basketball. I hope I can get more pictures with my friends.
This week, I felt that sports is a good way to communicate with people. I haven't play with year 10s but I was able to talk with some people about NBA. I hope I can get used to them even more, and I think I can do it. See you next week!
From H.T.


Hi. Mr, Kamakura. Sorry for delay. Something was wrong with my PC.
I adapted to life in new school soon. But, any classes are so difficult that I can't keep up with them in them. We also have many homework and must give two presentation a week. However,I enjoyed everyday now.
I am surprised at difference between Japan and Australia every day. I want to have more experiences.
Regards, K.S.


Dear Mr.Kamakura,
Last week was fantastic, particularly on weekend. What I felt this week was Nunawading students and teachers are very nice people! I'm trying to make new friends, but I haven't talked with all of them yet. So, I have to speak to the students having a positive attitude. Also, gradually my homework is increasing. The homework is very hard for us! I waste some time for homework at host family's house.
On the weekend, I went to the church, city, and river, many places. I would like to thank to my host family. We went to the city in the evening, which was quite fantastic! The scenes I saw was better than the daytime. I have attached three photos to this email. The first picture is I took with some friends at Nunawading. I couldn't take a picture with girls. But, I will. The second one is I took at night in the city. Maybe, it is night version of the picture I sent before. The third one is my host family took when we went to the river.
Warm Regards, H.T.


Dear Mr.Kamakura.
Hello! I have three host brothers. They are gentle. They are 10, 15, and 18 years old. My youngest host brother is kind. My middle host brother is the tallest of him family. He plays basketball. But T. can play basketball better than him. They usually play Xbox360. My coordinator said me that Don't play Xbox. I often practice swimming at home.
Today, I went to market with My coordinator, N., T. and Z. There are many shops. There are vegetable shops, meat shops, closes shops, toy shops. Electronic shops were interesting. These shops' clerk usually were Chinese. They sell Chinese company's products, Korean company's products and fake products. I wanted to buy a headphone. They sold just cheap headphones. So I didn't buy a headphone. T. bought a fake headphone. Its true headphone is more than $200, but it was $15. I saw illegal copied games. These were $10. However we can't bring fake things into Japan. I don't know that T. knows it.
From O.Y.



* グローバル・スタディーズ・プログラムに関する動画はこちらからご覧いただけます。





DSCF1542.JPGDSCF1529.JPG  去る2013年2月16日(土)~17日(日)、アウトドア・山岳部は1泊での合宿を行いました。本校は、土曜日は午前中に授業がありますので、土曜の午後は学校で着替えての出発になります。







SPP第2弾! 「現生生物をとおして太古の化石生物を復元する」 ②

SPP1.JPG 2月16日(土)に,科学技術振興機構(JST)によるサイエンス・パートナーシップ・プロジェクト(SPP)の支援のもと,東京大学総合研究博物館との連携講座を実施しました。


SPP3.JPG アンモナイトは頭足類の一種で多くの種が知られています。アンモナイトの多くの種は,中生代の三畳紀末に絶滅してしまいました。現在となっては,貝殻部分の化石のみが残っており,そこから生活様式などを推察することが出来ます(前回参照)。

SPP4.JPG コウイカの解剖をとおして,アンモナイトの貝殻に相当する甲を取り出し,それが多くの気室という部屋からなることを観察しました。このことで,コウイカはアンモナイトと同様に浮力を得て海洋で生活しています。また,同時にアンモナイトはコウイカと同様のフォルムであったと想定されます。そこで,コウイカの外形,そして内臓の配置等を解剖して学びました。生徒は,「アンモナイトのなかみがこんなんだったのか~」と興味津々の様子でした。






水族館.JPG 1月28日(金)にオーストラリアに向けて出発した、ターム留学第3期生からのメールレポートを掲載します。現地に到着してから2週間強が経過しました。それぞれが現地校での授業や友人作りに苦労しながらも、頑張っている様子がうかがえます。また、留学生たちは日本にはない科目を受講したりオーストラリア特有のレジャーを経験したりしながら、まさに異文化を満喫しているようです。

Hello. Gradually, I'm getting used to spending life here. I occasionally feel my English ability improves. This week was quite good. I did many things. From Monday to Thursday, I went to Nunawading, and I took classes. The subjects I take are English, Math, Science, Society, Food, The Bible, P.E., History, and Art. Each subject is interesting, I'm enjoying them. I thought math and science aren't so difficult because they don't need English. But English, History and Society are difficult to understand. English is difficult particularly because I 'm not good at Japanese in Japan, but it is its English version!
On Friday, I went to the city of Melbourne with the coordinator of Nunawading. It was a lot of fun! We saw many buildings, famous church, river, nice scenes. On Saturday, I went to the church in the morning, and went to the farm which is about one hour from my host family's house in the afternoon. There were many animals such as kangaroos and sheep. On Sunday, I did a marine sport. I did many kinds of water skiing. It was so fun! This weekend, I saw lots of nature.
I have added three pictures. The first and second ones I took when I went to the city. The picture shows me in front of the church. The third picture my host family took when I was water skiing.
From H.T.

水上スキー.JPGHello! Mr.Kamakura. I choose English Second Language, Math Core, Science Core, Design Technology and Photography. I learned biology in Science Core class, for example DNA and RNA. I have already learned these in Japan. But I don't like biology. Design Technology is interesting. It's like Gijutsu. I'm going to make wood pencil case.I use Google SketchUp in Design Technology class. It's a 3DCG software.
I went to Melbourne city with T. and his host mother last Friday. We went to Eureka Tower. It's the tallest building in Melbourne. Then we ate Japanese food Teppanyaki with him, her and the illegal driver in chine town. Today, I went shopping with him.
From O.Y.

Dear Mr. Kamakura
How are you? I have been fine since I arrived here. The school started on Monday. Although I was nervous on the first day, I have got used to the school now. At school, I am taking English, math, photography, design & technology, music and Japanese. I like my school because there are some subjects which Meiho doesn't have (such as photography and design & technology). Understanding what teachers saying is difficult! Having heard that math class is much easier than in Japan, I took math advance class. Pointing to the formulas, our math teacher often says "Why is that true?". It seems that math teachers in Australia regard the proof as important, compared with math class in Japan, the proof are thought as important as math teachers in Japan think or much more. I think it is very good for students. Although I don't know whether I can call "friend" or not, I made a friend in math class. He is kind to me.
I went to Mom's parents' house. They have a big pool! I went there twice in this week. It was a lot of fun! Today Dad made sushi for us. It was yummy! I'm going to take it to school for lunch.
Sincerely, from S.N.

Dear, Mr. Kamakura.
I'm sorry that I'm late to send the mail. My home stay started in January 29th. I'm still nervous, but my host family is very kind, so I came not to feel nervous. I went to SHARK & RAY CENTER to see sharks. My host sisters and I gave food to them with sticks. It was very very fun!
I went to Beaconhills College for orientation in February 1st. I chose the subject I will take. There are English, Math, Food Technology, Science, History, etc. It was difficult to choose because there are many interesting subjects and subjects I don't know! I heard from Mr. Kamakura that some students chose Japanese class last year, but I couldn't, because Japanese class and a required subject are on the same time zone! If I have Japanese class, I have to take a very very difficult English lesson.
Mr. Kamakura and a travel agent who came to Meiho to explain this program December 22nd said that there are no other Japanese students at school, but a Japanese girl is here. What happened? What they said and there are in real is completely different!
People in Australia usually said all seasons come to Australia during the day. I think so. Temperature is 8 -15 degrees Celsius at night and in the morning, and 17 - 30 degrees in the daytime. I am sometimes cold and sometimes hot. It is hard to regulate my clothes.
My host sister's rabbits died in February 3rd. She looked so sad and continues to cry! Expression of feelings is different to Japan!
I'm enjoying everyday! Thank you.  
コアラ☆.JPGFrom Z.K.

Dear Mr.Kamakura
Hello! How does it going? I am so fine now. We arrived at Australia 3 days ago and our school began yesterday. Yesterday, we attended the opening ceremony. During it, the principal said, "Three Japanese guys, please come here!" Then we were very surprised: I will leave the result to your imagination LOL. It is things like this that make me worry about the future:=o. But, please do not worry about me. I will do my best!
Regards, from K.S.

Hi Mr. Kamakura! How are you? This week, are school days started. To say the truth, I did have some trouble this week. For example, I couldn't talk to many people for a couple of days. During lunch time, I tend to hang with the Meiho guys or the exchange students from China and Hong-Kong. I did talk with some guys in class but I haven't got to the point where I can have lunch or hang around with them. I hope I can reach to that point next week. Well on the bright side, I think that I'm not having much trouble about studying yet. It's not easy, but I think I'm able to hang on with it.
I've put on a picture of last night's dinner. We had a BBQ at our house yesterday and I ate this thick steak. It was delicious.
I wrote a lot of negative points on this e-mail, but I'm having a great time. It's just that I found many things to overcome. Next week, I will overcome these problems, or at least "challenge"
to overcome. Good night!
From H.T.

Hello, Mr. Kamakura. I have got used to the English life! I will go to school for the first time tomorrow. It is a photograph of a house!! See you again!!
From G.Y.








正面HP.jpg 平成25年度中学入試の結果や今春の大学合格実績などの報告をさせていただきます。また、施設のご案内もいたします。本校は平成26年4月の創立50周年に向けて、現在校舎の大幅リニューアルを進めております。その点についてもお知らせいたします。



 日時 3月23日(土曜日) 10:30~11:30 (受付開始10:00)

 内容 明法の教育 中学入試結果報告 大学合格実績報告 など












IMG_2035.JPG 調理実習で大切にしていることは、この3点です。


 例:第1回 和食の献立とねらい
   すまし汁 ・・・ねらい:和風だしのとり方




【明法散歩道】2012年度 第11号




耐震壁煉瓦.JPG 耐震補強というと、斜めの筋交(すじか)いが入ったブレース型を思い浮かべるが、明法の講堂は違う。写真にもあるように、空間の一角を壁で支える、いわゆる「耐震壁」(写真の右側冂型部分)とした。


講堂客席.jpg 1,014名の客席は、東村山市の成人式の会場としても、毎年使われている。また、講堂ロビーは、国政選挙や市の選挙の投票所としても利用されている。これからは、今まで以上に快適に使っていただけるだろう。


映写機35ミリ.JPG 講堂には、かつて、35mmセントラルF101型映写機が2台備え付けられており、学期ごとに映画会が開かれていた。「80日間世界一周」や「栄光への脱出」などの劇場用映画はもちろん、「シベールの日曜日」などの上質な映画も、"明法文化"を追及する先生方の選定で上映された。この間、時代の感動を、幾多の明法生の心に映し出してきたに違いない。
そして今や、35mm映写機はその大いなる役割を終えた。新設の「ともがきホール」にて生徒の息吹を感じつつ、新たな時代の行方をあたたかく見守り続けてくれることだろう。  (文責:教頭 早乙女)




出国前の諸連絡.JPG 不安と緊張、そして期待が混在する中、親元を離れて初めての海外長期滞在、現地高校生と共に過ごす学校生活、異文化(ドイツ、ベトナム、タイ、中国等からの留学生含む)の中において英語で相手の意見を聞き、自己主張をしなければならない体験、どれをとっても彼らにとってはかけがえのない経験になることは間違いないはずです。



School Pic1.JPG 本校では、国際教育の一環として一昨年度から高校1年生の希望者を対象に、グローバル・スタディーズ・プログラム(オーストラリアへのターム留学)を行っています。本校の授業にできるだけ影響のでない高1・1月下旬~高2・4月上旬の時期を選んで実施しています。


School Pic2.JPG【ターム留学1期生(現高3生)の大学合格(進学先)速報】



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