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2015年2月 - 明法ニュース



Dear Mr. Kamakura,
This week was very hard for me. Because I had to talk to new persons who are local students and relative. I thought Australian people behave kind toward everybody.
By the way, my English skill improved!! It is fantastic!! My school is very small. My homeroom is only 16.
All students are 250. So, I think it is like a family. They are good friends. I began the challenge which is food-tech and drama. Food-tech is cooking! I made pancake. Next week I'll make dinner!!
Drama is my biggest challenge! Drama which we act and compose story!! This class needs ''Don't be shy'' mindset. Our first work was to consider about sketch. Sketch is short story, About 30 sec ~ 5min. Our theme is '' How to murder your teacher'' It's not violence story because audience is children. So, we have to consider funny story!! I regretted a lack of my English skill. I came up with a bright idea, but I could not tell my friends.
Anyway, I visited many tourists where is Philip Island and steam train. Maybe I cannot experience it in Japan.
February 8th was my host mother's birthday! I sent her birthday card! She was very glad!!
I'll do my best!!
Kindest regards, 

Hi, Mr. Kamakura.
We are enjoying our school days. But we have a problem. It is very difficult to attend classes in English. Because teacher's English is very fast. We couldn't hear it. In Religious Education class, I watched a video, but I couldn't understand. I was sad. But My R.E. teacher helped me and taught me what I had to do. At that time I thought by myself "I can't do anything, so I must rely on others." That's good experience.
I learned a word in English class. It's "opportunity." It means a Chance. I think everything is an opportunity : to visit Australia, to go to school, to stay at host family house, to speak only English. Everything is an opportunity.
Next, I want to write about my host family. My host family has five members: father, mother, brothers and a sister. They are very funny. Father always says jokes. Sometimes I can't understand. Mother is a Japanese teacher. She is very kind. Brothers are sometimes noisy, but they are good boys. Sister is very a fast runner. And they are so funny and very good people. 
See you.

Dear, Mr. Kamakura.
Today, I went to a big market. I bought many souvenirs. They are for my Japanese family. There were a lot of people at the market. The market was plentiful of local products: foods, toys, souvenirs... I could not see all, but I had very good time.
At school, I have played basketball many times during class and rest time. I could play fun. But almost, my shots could not make points. Other people that were on the same team with me scored. I must practice basketball harder! But my finger is cured. Lunch time too, I always play sports (basketball, volleyball, table tennis). It is very fun. We are enjoying playing sports.
And night, I always play computer games with my host brother, and do my homework, and talk with host family. The nights are always good time. I can spend good time.
Yours, truly, K.Y.

I made many friends in this school. I sometimes don't know what they say. But I am very hard taking them in English. I went to Japanese shop and Japanese restaurant in this Japanese class on Monday. I bought Japanese snacks and green tea. I drank green tea after a long time. I drank only orange juice and coffee. It was good. I wanted to buy Japanese clothes but I had many clothes so I didn't. After shopping, we went Japanese restaurant to eat Japanese food. I was very happy to eat them after a long time. It was very delicious! I had a good time in a day!

Hello!! Sorry I'm enjoying my Australian time. So I forgot to send email. How are you? I'm very good. But I'm little bit tired. Because I am always very busy.
On the 10th, I got a big homework again. Other two Japanese students and I would have to do presentation that is about Japanese government two weeks later. It is challenging for us, but it is very good for us. So I try to do my best!!
And I had surfing lesson on the 12th. I had done surfing before. So I knew how to stand on the board. It was very excited. And then we went to chocolate factory and we ate lunch. I ate wraps and drank iced chocolate for lunch. It was very delicious. And then we went to big farm but I forgot the name of the farm. I saw the show that is shearing a sheep. I had never seen it before. So I was very excited. But actually, the sheep was little bit messy. After that, we went to the zoo. I fed the kangaroo. And I saw a lot of animals. And then we ate fish and chips. I could communicate with my friends. So I was very excited.
On the 14th, after going to church, we went to Free Orchestra. It was very good. During orchestra, I found my friend whose name is T.S. After that, we went to chocolate bar. And I drank chocolate. And I ate chocolate fondu. I had never eaten it. So I enjoyed to eat it.
On the 15th, my host brothers and I played badminton in the gym that is very near my house. My host brothers are little bit well. So I enjoyed playing badminton. By the way, I sent email to this gym. So I will join the community.  I'm looking forward to joining there.
On the 16th, I made Japanese Food that is like Oyakodon. It means my host parents are vegetarian. So I couldn't use chicken. I thought I managed to make it. My host family enjoyed eating it. I was very happy, so I will make another Japanese food!!
I always enjoy my Australian time. I will try to enjoy Australian time more than now!!!

Hello, Mr. Kamakura and Mr. Tomikawa.
I'm sorry that my home Internet was not good and I could not send you an E-mail.
Last Sunday I went to an amusement park with my new friend. I rode a roller coaster and other park ride.
After that, we went to a beach and swam. It was third time I went to beach. But it did not bore me because the sea was so clear and beautiful.
Every Wednesday we go outside to study something. Last Wednesday, we went to Phillip Island to see penguins. They were so cute and lovely. I am really looking forward to Wednesday!
And Last Saturday I went to park to listen music which is classic concert. It was very nice!
It was not played in concert hall but in the park. And after the concert we went to city and ...zzz...

Dear Mr. Kamakura,
Hello! How are you? I'm fine. I'm sorry that I sent e-mail too late. However, I heard that it was snow in Tokyo.
It is a little hot in Australia. So, I want to see snow.
I arrived in Pakenham January 27th. I met my host family in Beaconhills. My host family is very fine. My host family doesn't have a father. But, they are very bright. I have two my host brothers. Their names are Mathew and Nathan. They are contrast. Mathew is a quiet boy and Nathen is an active boy. My host mother is Jennifer. She is a busy woman. So, I will need to help her a lot.
I went to lake near my host house with my host family. This lake has a fountain which was beautiful. Please look at my picture. And, I went to a lot of place before the school started. I went to facilities in Pakenham by car and walking. I went seeing soccer game with my Japanese friend, so It was very exciting.
I began to go to school on February 2nd. I got lost a little because Beaconhills is a very big school. There are houses instead of HR classes in Australia. My house is Millet. And on the first day, I was told everything of Beaconhills by Zac. He isn't a talkative person, but he is very kind.
I'm looking forward to studying here. See you in the next e-mail.
From G.S

I will talk about my holiday. I went to beach with my host sister and father. We went to beach house. We went out of there in the sea on jet ski. It was first time on jet ski. It was very fun. We got on it for about two hours and did the trip to the sea and it was very long for me, so I was tired at time when I got off.
At night, we watched Asia Cup final Korea VS Australia. I really looked forward to this. Host father was, too. He said "Come on Australia!!" a lot. When Australia got a goal, it was very noisy.  
On Sunday, we did "Mini Golf". It was first time that I did it for me. But I got the highest score. My holiday was very nice. See you next time! 
From T. K.


   2015/2/09  現代イスラム過激派とテロリズムのグローバル化について考察

 2015/2/10 【GSP】ターム留学生から近況報告が届きました!

  2015/2/23 英語学習のイノベーションとグローバル化






H先輩 48期 千葉大学文学部史学科 1年
W先輩 45期 早稲田大学国際教養学部 3年

I先輩 48期 明治大学農学部食品環境政策学科 1年
S先輩 44期 北里大学理学部生物化学科卒・東京大学大学院医学系研究科医科学専攻          
H先輩は、「"No Pain, No Gain"(痛みなくして、得るものはなし)」という印象的な言葉で、これから受験に向かう後輩たちを鼓舞してくれました。W先輩は、「名のある大学がいいとは限らない。先生、生徒の質、社会のニーズに合った大学を選び、自分がやりたいことを深めることが大切」という言葉で、後輩たちに道をしるしてくれました。I先輩は、「好きなことをやらないと、つらいだけ」という言葉で、好きな大学に行くためにはあらゆる努力を惜しんではいけないということを後輩たちに力説してくれました。S先輩は、「なぜを追求し続ける」という言葉で、研究者として大学院を目指したきっかけや学び続ける姿勢を、後輩たちに示してくれました。また、高校3年間で何かを目指す経験を得るうえで、部活動が重要であるということも語っていただきました。




2014全国高校私学大会4(対 北海道尚志学園高校).JPG筑波大学と合同練習1.JPG2014関東大会(中学)3.JPG


★ 高校部・中学部ともに部員募集中!!

★ 明法カップ開催!!
  第1回夏季明法カップ  8月 9日(日) ※予備日8月30日(日)
  第2回冬季明法カップ 12月26日(土)または27日(日) ※予備日1月3日(日)



2015. 1.26 中高ソフトテニス部-筑波大学と合同練習しました
2015. 1.14 第1回明法カップ(近都県小学校ソフトテニス大会)
2014.11.11 中学:都大会(新人戦)出場権獲得!
2014. 7.29 中学:関東大会出場権獲得!






「一般組手の部 初級クラス」




2014.12.24 空手部-審査会報告

2014.  9.  3 空手部-審査会に参加しました




2月21日(土)、「21世紀(高2文系選択科目)」の授業で外部より講師をお招きして、「英語学習のイノベーションとグローバル化」と題したワークショップ(使用言語:英語)を実施しました。講師のRyo Yamamoto氏は、米国の大学でFinance(金融・財政学)を学び、現在は米国ボストンに本社のある某オンライン英語学習ソフト開発会社(ブラジル、トルコ、台湾、東アジア等で事業展開するグローバル企業)でマーケティング・ディレクターを務めています。生徒たちは、ICT(情報通信技術)を活用すれば「24時間、グローバルにサービスを提供できること」「世界各国の同僚と、時間や空間の制約を克服して仕事ができること」「Google AnalyticsやGoogle AdsでWebマーケティングを最適化できること」等を学びました。授業の後半は、生徒がオンライン英語学習ソフトをインターネット上で実体験。スピーキング練習の場面では、学習者が発した英文を即座に音声認識し、点数化した上でフィードバックをしてくれる機能に、生徒たちは楽しみながらも驚きを隠せない様子でした。
「ITを活用することで英語学習にイノベーションを」― Yamamoto氏の信念から、日本における教育現場の近未来を垣間見ることができました。以下、ファシリテーターを務めた本校ネイティブ教師によるコメントです。

Students today need to prepare for a job market that requires not only English but also marketing and advertising skills. Today we had Mr. Ryo Yamamoto come and share his experiences working for a start-up company, English Central based out of Boston, Massachusetts. Mr. Yamamoto shared his expertise in marketing and showed our students the importance of knowing how to use online applications such as Google Analytics and Google AdWords. Without which, expanding a company's customer base would be extremely difficult in this day and age.

We often hear that in the future English will be a job requirement. Mr. Yamamoto is a great example of this, a Japanese man living and working in Japan but performing sixty to seventy percent of his daily work tasks in English. On a daily basis, he coordinates with staff in Boston, the Philippines, and Brazil, among other places, often using Skype to relay important information or hold meetings. Truly, the future will require that our students interact with colleagues around the globe and to understand the use of online applications for business success. Today, our students were able to learn those lessons first hand from Mr. Yamamoto, whom we owe a great deal of gratitude. 











Hello, Mr. Kamakura,
Sorry I was late sending e-mail. This week and last week were very busy. 22th was my first school day. I was little bit nervous and little bit excited. I entered Year 9. My coordinator said Year 9 is a little bit easy for me. But I don't think that. It was very difficult for me. Especially, Commerce class is very difficult for me. The words are very difficult.
Every Friday, we have English class by my coordinator. It is very fun and I think it is easy for me. Because, my coordinator speaks slowly. And every Friday, I have a party. My host brothers and sister go to their friend's house. And then we sing some songs that are about Christian, worship and talk a lot. So I always talk a lot in English. It is very hard but I think it is a very good experience.
And every Saturday, we go to church. My host farther is a person in a high position. So we need to go to a lot of places. Last Saturday, I had to wake up at 5:30!! It was very hard but I think it is very good for me. And my host mother said we don't work and study on Saturday. We need to enjoy this time. So I can't do my homework.
Every Sunday, I always do my homework in the morning. And in the afternoon, we always go to other places. Last Sunday, we went to swimming pool with my host brothers and my host father. And at night, we went to bowling. I enjoyed it.
Almost every Tuesday, I have Year 9 Challenge. It is like an extracurricular class. Last time, we went to 1000 steps that is very famous hill. And we had to climb it twice while remembering childhood. It was very good experience.
By the way I had a very big homework. It is memoir. We had to write 500 words in English. It was very difficult for me. But my host family helped my homework. So I am very busy every day. But I managed to live. No , I'm joking. I always live a full life. See you!!

How are you? Mr. Kamakura and Mr. Arakawa,
Today was my first day to go to school. I made some friends which are exchange students from China etc...  Although some of them have been staying in Melbourne for several months, they can speak English very well. So I was very surprised that things and grown my enthusiasm not defeat them. The other, I chose a class which is EAL (English as an Additional Language) and math, Japanese etc... What is more, I played badminton at school's gym and decided to join the match to other school some other day. I'll send more detailed report about school and home stay next time.


Hello. My Australian life went by quickly.
I had big event in a week. For example I watched tennis game and went shopping, celebrated Australian day!! I could make friends who are wonderful!! My friends who are from Brazil, England, Germany, and Thailand. They can speak English fluently. I realized that I have to study.
Kindest regards, R.F.

Hello, Mr Kamakura! How are you?
Today is 2 weeks I stayed in Australia. I am hard English and a time difference. Jan 31th, host family's sister came to my host family's house. She has two children. Children are Lucas and Qillian. I played Wii with Lucas. I wanted to play with Qillian, but she couldn't play it because she is two years old. I had good time a half day.
Next day, I went to the mountain with my host family. I saw many animals, for example cow, horse and sheep. I couldn't see them in Japan so I was happy! We went to host family's friend house which is in mountain. They took care of horses, dog and sheep. And they grow fruits. I was surprised. I was very tired but I had a good time.
From Feb 2nd, I went to school. I am in trouble because I can't make friends who aren't an international student and I am hard speaking and listening to English. To communicate with English is difficult for me. But I started playing badminton too! I will be hard studying English, making friends and playing badminton!

Hi, Mr. Kamakura! How are you?
On Friday, I started school. I was looking forward to it. But honestly, I had no confidence. So I was worried about it. Because I'm not good at English. The first day was nervous. So I can't speak to my classmates. I thought, "I couldn't." On Monday I watched TJ's (my host brother) basketball game. On Tuesday, I played volleyball. I enjoyed this game because it helped me be friendly with classmates. I want to make more friends!
This week I catch the bus to school in the morning with Kyra (my host sister).
I'll do the best I can. From Y.A.

Dear Mr. Kamakura,
How are you? I play basketball almost every day with my host brother and exchange student from Thailand whose name is Chat. He is good at basketball.
I'm enjoying at school. Math is easy. Because l learned it last year. And we have year 9 challenge. I went to 1000 steps. That is too hard but I enjoyed with year 9 members.

Dear Mr. Kamakura.
Today, my host school (Nunawading) started. I was very nurvous, but I did my best. Host family and cordinator say that "Don't be shy." I chant this word. And lunch time, I talked with many people. Almost all of them are kind, so I was happy.
And I played basketball with friends. We enjoyed and I made friends! I am really happy. I want that this situation will to go on. And I'm really happy to come to this school.
Yours truly, K.Y.

Hello! A lot of funny and interesting things in this week.
1) We met our new host families. My new host family lives in forest. I like nature, so I really happy. And my host mother is a music teacher. I like music and I play the guitar, so we are fit. The photo is my host family's dog. When they finished shower, I took this photo.
2) I went to school for the first time. It is interesting! There, students speak so fast that I cannot understand all, but I tried to listen more carefully. And after eat lunch, we played soccer with school friends. I'm very looking forward to going to school tomorrow.
And... Oh it's time to go to bed! So Good bye!

Dear Mr. Kamakura,
Hello, it passed 5 days when I left Japan. I'm enjoying in Australia. I have come to Australia two years ago in summer. So, I am used to live here very early. And, my host members helped me many times. Very thanks, everyone. I experienced many things. I will write about the stories.
Arrived Australia day, I visited a suburb of Melbourne a.m. I walked in there with Meiho's friends. It was warm and interesting. There were many people and tall trees in Melborne. I ate hamburger which is very delicious and bigger than Japanese hamburger. That evening, I stayed at Edmonds house with Meiho friends.
My host mother is Bicki. She is very cheerful. I enjoyed with them. And other Edmonds family's house was very near. So, I saw them many times.
I used English a lot of time. But, I used Japanese when I talk with Meiho friends. This is my regret. I went to many kind of interesting places. At beach, I swam in the sea. Although Japan is in winter, Australia can be swum. In near my house's park, we played soccer, basketball, and badminton. It was exciting. In supermarket, there were many strange goods. Those were very interesting. In Moonlit Sanctuary, I took many pictures in the zoo. There were many birds. And dingoes are so cute! In Frankston city, there was fun. Sand statues festival was interesting for me. Next, shopping mall in Frsnkston was very large. That had many shops, so it was a lot of fun.
I live in Phakenham now. Beaconhills will start on Feb 2nd. I will send e-mail when I start go to school. See you.
From G.S.

Hello, Mr. Kamakura! How are you doing?                                            
By tomorrow, we will have been staying here for three weeks. Our school life has already begun. It also passed a week. I chose math core, higher, physics, chemistry, EAL and Japanese as a schedule of the school. Actually, l would like to have chosen PE, but I couldn't choose it because of our school's curriculum.
In private, I went to the city with my parents and their friends. Our purpose was going to Victoria market. That was a huge market. I bought some fruits, t-shirt and kangaroo's meat. 
I would like to take part in the badminton community, so I'm looking for the community now. Everyday is very busy. Forgive me my short report. Goodnight!





ISIS増大の原因をフローチャートで考察.jpg授業の基本は「対話型」!.jpgCNN Student Newsを視聴.png


Recent events in the Middle East have forced Japan to confront the Islamic State (IS).

Today in the 21st Century class, students watched a CNN Student News clip on how the world will deal with IS after they executed Japanese and Jordanian prisoners.

Students spent time explaining the background that led up to these tragic events and also discussing the situation from the Japanese perspectives.

Most student comments touched on the idea that Japan could take up a more active non-military role, for example, by engaging with the local Sunni populations, providing economic aid, and getting more involved in international organizations. With students like these, not only is Japan's future bright, but the world's future is brighter. Way to go Meiho!







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