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2017年3月 - 明法ニュース



 明法では、生徒の課題作品や、日々の教育活動の成果が、廊下の壁に展示されている。授業課題はもちろんのこと、学校行事他、様々な生徒の取り組みや工夫、頑張りが、明法独特の形、色合い、響きとなって、"廊下文化"を創り出している。 今年の冬の廊下には、"ぼくの細道"があった。中学3年生の古典の課題作品である(早嶋先生の指導)。  昨秋の京都・奈良の研究旅行を題材にし、とっておきの写真を貼り、それを随筆風の文章にしたため、最後に俳句で仕上げている。その構成と、創り出す世界が何とも言えない。写真と文章、俳句が渾然一体となり、一つの鮮やかな心象風景が表出されていた。


清水寺.jpg 「月日は百代(はくたい)の過(か)客(かく)にして、行(ゆき)かふ年も又旅人也」と言ったのは松尾芭蕉。有名な「奥の細道」の冒頭部分である。  「ぼくの細道」は、明らかに「奥の細道」を意識してのネーミングだと思われる。そして生徒に求めている世界は、国語と言う枠に留まらず、多様で深い(さらに、中3現代文を担当している、朴(ぼく)先生への敬意も含まれているに違いない)。  明法の教育に共通しているもの。それは、生徒にとことん、じっくり考えさせる点である。それは教科指導に限らない。たとえば、(学校パンフには載っていないが)創立以来、生徒主催の全校集会が、毎週行われていたり、様々な学校行事の取り組みの際、必ず生徒の実行委員会を設定し、主体的に考える場を作っている。成長期の子供たちにとって大切なものは、互いに信頼し合い、協力し、自分たちで主体的に考え、創造していくことである。その土壌が、そして50有余年の伝統と営みが、明法にはある。 (文責:教頭 早乙女 勤)


3月25日学校説明会1.JPG3月25日学校説明会2.JPG3月25日学校説明会3.JPGああああああああああ3月25日(土)10:00より、入試報告会を開催しました。今回は平成29年度中学入試に向けた"Kick Off"説明会で、新6年生の受験生・保護者の方を中心に、多くの方にご参加いただきました。






3月25日学校説明会4.JPG 受験生の皆さんを新中2生徒が施設案内をしている間、今春の大学合格実績(→こちらからご覧下さい)や今春入試の状況、中学入試の4教科それぞれの学習ポイントなどについてご説明し、最後に、「偏差値」の算出方法に触れ、「"偏差値がいくつか?"に一喜一憂するのではなく、"あと何点とれば偏差値を1つ上げられるのか"を具体的に考えていくことが大切」という話をさせていただきました。

















[主な合格実績] 卒業生数112名 3月23日現在 現役生・既卒生のべ人数




-私 立- 














東京農業4名(生命・応用生物・生物産業・地域環境) ・関西2名(文・社会安全) 

南山2名(外国語・国際)・龍谷2名(文)・ 獨協4名(法・経済・外国語)

神田外語1名(外国語) ・東京経済7名(現代法・経済・経営・コニュニケーション)











多摩美術1名(美術)・東京音楽1名(音楽) 昭和音楽1名(音楽)


                           他  (3月23日判明分まで






「中学・高校進学相談会 よみうりGENKIフェスタ2017」







予選リーグ 4-0 北越高校(新潟県)に勝利

予選リーグ 0-4 大牟田高校(福岡県)に敗退

予選リーグ 1-4 長崎南山高校(長崎県)に敗退

予選リーグ 2-4 加藤学園高校(静岡県)に敗退


★ 高校部・中学部ともに部員募集中!!







「AI時代に必要な力とは」について英語で議論! → こちらからどうぞ

米国次期大統領と日本の進路について英語で議論! → こちらからどうぞ

中学3年生が英検準1級に合格! → こちらからどうぞ

ICTを活用して米国の高校生と討論! → こちらからどうぞ

「21世紀」使用教材が書籍になりました! → こちらからどうぞ

NFLJ第2回全国大会(英語ディベート大会)で3勝! → こちらからどうぞ






There was a swimming carnival on March 3rd. I swam freestyle, breaststroke, butterfly, freestyle relay. In breaststroke and freestyle relay, I was in the second. In freestyle and butterfly, I was in the third. There are people who I have made many friends with through this event.

I talked with many other students at this event and took a lot of pictures. And it was a nice day. I also had conversation with other students in school life and played together during lunch time.

I had a presentation about Japan in the 1800s during my previous lesson. Although it was serious, I was able to deliver it well.

I have had a lot of conversations with my host family. I went my host family's friend's house and helped making a chicken hut, I made it all right. Next time, I am planning to make Japanese cuisine. So I want to work harder.

From now on I will work hard and try hard.



Hello, Mr. Kamakura. How are you? I'm fine. I got used to an Australian life. At first I was filled with anxiety. But my host family said, "When you feel uncomfortable or sad, just tell us." I was touched when I heard it. I helped my host father fixing his garage. I carried wood and iron sheet. And I used many tools. They were all very fun and nice memories.

Australian school life is fun. I didn't understand English well at first. But it was very interesting when I was able to understand about what teachers say in classes. Australian students are very kind for Japanese students. They invited me to play games with them. They taught me about class. They asked me about Japanese words. They were very interested in Japanese culture, so I was happy. I played basketball games with other Australian school students. They are very tall and good basketball players. We played 6 games, but we won only one game. We lost the other five games, but it was very good experience for me.

I went to mountain with host father, host sister and host sister's friend. This mountain is not high, so hiking in the mountain was easy. I enjoyed very beautiful view when I went to the top. It was very exciting. I went to another state. Its name is New South Wales. I attended host parents' friend's funeral. His daughter spread his bones in the river. She and her husband were crying. I was little sad. Other Japanese students and I went on picnic. We saw steam trains. It was so cool. The other day, I went to a science work shop. This place was like SF world. I saw many machines. They were cool.

There are only three weeks of Australian life left now. I hope I will have no regrets about Australian life. I will do my best!!



Hello, Mr. Kamakura!!!!! How are you?

I made lots of new friends. I'm enjoying school life here. I think PE class is the most fun.

Last week, I went to Queen Victoria Market with my host family. This place is very very big. And there were so many people. I bought gifts for my friends in Japan. I ate pizza for lunch. It was very cheap but delicious. After lunch, I went to my host mother's work place. This place is on the top floor of the building. So the scenery from there was the best. After that, I went to Penguins Parade. We saw penguins returning from the the sea to their den. It was very pretty. I had a good time.



Dear Mr. Kamakura

Hi! I'm enjoying my Australia's life. So today, I'll introduce my school and my memories on last weekend.

First, my host school is St. Francis Xavier College. My school has a lot of people. I guess there are about 2000 people... My house at school is White. Other Meiho friends also belong to the same house. In the house, there are many different grade's students. So, I can talk with a lot of people with different ages!

My favorite time on campus is lunchtime! Because after lunch, I often play soccer with a lot of boys. Sometimes I talk with the same class students. And sometimes I take a nap on the spacious ground. So, I'm looking forward to the next lunchtime... After school, I take school bus to home.

Second, I went to a farm near Melbourne Airport last weekend with my Meiho friend. This area has a lot of farms. So, I am able to see a lot of animals! For example, horse, chicken, fox and even dingo!

I can relax in this place because it's so vast. I want to live there in the future (lol). I must go back to Japan in three weeks... I'm so sad but I'll enjoy Australian life until the end of this program. Thank you!



Dear Mr. Kamakura,

Hello, Mr. Kamakura. How are you doing? My English conversation skills are steadily growing. The first, I would like to talk about Physical Education lesson. The first week of the class was studying about how body works, AIDS and schizophrenia. The second week of the class was playing basketball using Heritage school gym in elementary school. The gym is very spacious and we play games after practicing every week.

Second, I'm would like to talk about Mathematics. In Mathematics classes, we always open textbooks on my iPad. The content of the math lessons is calculation, junior high school first grade, third grade content and sentence problem. Two weeks ago, I took a math test. The math test was hard but I was able to answer all the questions.

Third, I would like to talk about Science. The content of science class is an experiment which focuses on looking at the graph of the periodic table, problems of ions, covalent compounds, covalent bonding experiments to the third grader.

Fourth, I would like to talk about Music. In music lessons, We listen to pieces of famous artists and sing and create original songs by ourselves. There are guitars and keyboards in the music classroom. The number of students is six. Each student is rich in personality and enjoy the lessons.

Fifth, I would like to talk about English lessons. In English classes, students learn about English history, social psychologists, philosophers, success analysts, educators, psycho economists, writers, authors, cultural theorists, juvenile justice reformers, public attorney lawyers, photographers, human rights lawyers, or designers. We learn by listening to the stories of architects, inventors, and musicians.

Sixth, I would like to talk about Humanities. In social classes, I learn the contents from before World WarⅠ to the end of World War Ⅱ.

Seventh, I would like to talk about Encounter. In Encounter's class, we learn about religion and Luther's Movies.

Eighth, I would like to talk about PC classes. In the class of the PC, we are doing web design. I'm planning to make an announcement about cherry blossoms on the last day of the class. The number of students is nine.

Lastly, I would like to talk about Sports. In sports class, students are divided into basketball or tennis. I play tennis every Wednesday.

See you next week!! From S.K.


Hello, Mr. Kamakura.

I experienced and learned a lot things within two weeks. My family are all Christians, so they have to go to church on Sunday. I learned about Jesus Christ there.

The classes are a little hard for me. Preachers used difficult words I do not know. It was hard to understand the meanings for me. And we sang church song which is so beautiful. The song was sang by just men. I am a member of that. I could make a lot of friends. They are very kind and funny. They always teach me about church and so on. I went to the city with them. I think that the city was beautiful and so big.

By the way, I play baseball in P.E. class every week. I could hit a homerun. So I could make friends in the class. I was happy. My best friends is Jack. He is so funny. He told me I am a good baseball player! I taught him how to play baseball. We could communicate with each other. School is such a good place for me.

I went to a theater to watch movie with my host father. We watched three movies whose names are The Great Wall, Ⅹ-men and King Kong. These movies are action movies. I want to watch these again in Japan. After that, we ate dinner together and it was so delicious.

From R.S.


Dear, Mr. Kamakura.

There were a lot of things at school this past two weeks. First of all, I took a math test at school. However, multiplication, division and addition were very easy and I wondered why testing such simple things. When the test was returned, the teacher praised me "Wonderful!" But it was a complex feeling.

Next is the second swimming competition. The competition was a tournament that only those who left good results at the last competition could go. So I went to the 200 m free style, free relay and medley relay and took first place in everything. But it was on Tuesday. So my Meiho friends went to watch movie with Ruth. I heard they watched ''The Grate Wall.'' I wanted to watch it.

There was canoeing experience and cycling that was on the next day of the competition. Although the canoe was quite enjoyable, the subsequent cycling was hot enough to run out of water. My foot became a muscle ache. I played a game like a rugby that uses Frisbee in physical education class with other students. I heard that the explanation of the game I have not seen before in English, so I was worried. However, because the other students were kind to me, I could enjoy the game. Also, a basketball lesson was held in another physical education lesson. Students in the same class taught us the word ''You are bloody legend.'' I heard that it means "Well done!" We taught our Australian student Japanese word ''Yabai'' in return. It was funny because he mastered it at once.

I went fishing on Sunday. I was very tired because I was on the ship for five hours, but it was good because I got a lot of king george whiting fish. I am going to hike from next Tuesday to Thursday. I'm looking forward to doing it. As I gradually approach the end of studying abroad, I began to feel the flow of time quickly. I would like to enjoy the remaining 2 weeks and a few days.

Regards, K.N.


Hello! How are you doing? I'm good. I feel my English improved. School life is really fun. Every lunch time, I talk with my friends. After school I play soccer with local people. By the way, I won the first prize in Japanese test! It was easy. Everyone admired me about what I had achieved. I was happy. I performed ukulele in music class. It was really nervous but I think it was a really good experience. Australian life is really fun so I don't want to go back to Japan.



Hello, Mr. Kamakura. How are you?

Last weekend, I went to a church with my host family. We go to church every weekend. There are many people there every time. So, I talked with a lot of people there. I have a valuable experience every time.

Last Wednesday, I gave a presentation in class. I talked about Japan in the 1800's. I was very nervous. But everyone seriously listened to me. So I was happy.



Dear Mr. Kamakura.

I will talk about my experiences. Yesterday my host father took us to Phillip Island. First, my family walked around the field. There are many snakes but I did not see any. I was shocked. A few hours later, we arrived at the beach. I was swimming in the sea. I could see fish and dive in the sea. Sea water was very clear. At lunch time, we ate fish and chips. I knew that it was delicious.

Today I made a cup with my Meiho friends and so on. It was good for me to make it. After we finished that thing, we went to a lake side which has museum that Wizard of OZ was being performed. We ate lunch there. Our lunch was chicken and chips. It was very delicious. When we finished eating, we walked around the lakeside. Today was a good day.



Hello! Mr. Kamakura.

It is now less than three weeks before I go back to Japan. Time flies! Last Friday, I went to the city and stayed at Clown hotel. Clown hotel was a very nice place. I was able to see nice views from the window. The next day, I went to the hotel's pool soon after getting up. I got tired because I swam for an hour. After that, I went to Moomba festival. There were a lot of stalls. It was crowded with a lot of people. And then, I did some shopping for three hours! It was a lot of fun! I got tired because I walked a lot.



Dear, Mr. Kamakura,

Hi. Mr. Kamakura! How's your day? I have lead a full life! I've experienced a lot of new things and learned from every-day life. Nonetheless it has been six weeks since I came here, I don't want to go back to Japan!

Let me introduce my ways to study English here. If the students who will come here next year read this report, I want them to try in this way. I think it will must avail you surely. I know two good ways. One is quite simple way, which is just talking a lot with host family, friends and teachers. That may be the most efficient and easiest way. I can improve my English pronunciation and learn many vocabularies. What is better, I can be very sociable!!

The other one is a little bit difficult but I believe that this is so effective to increase my English vocabulary. At first, I need to read my notebook for English words whenever I can do that (I've read a notebook for the STEP Test every day). And I must find some words that is hard to remember. Then I use those words by compulsion when I speak with native speakers. I become so glad when I can make myself understood and I'll never forget those words. In these ways, I learn English every day. I'll continue to make effort.

By the way, I went to various places with my host family. We visited a plane show last weekend. There were a lot of planes and weapons used during World War I. I was explained how to use them by a little boy. He looked young but he knew well about the story. And we could watch planes and helicopters flying very fast. It was pretty cool!

Every Tuesday, I go out somewhere with our group coordinator and other Meiho students in my school. We went to Melbourne Zoo last Tuesday. We saw many kinds of animals. I enjoyed that, especially I really liked little penguins because they were so cute. But when I told my host family about that, they laughed at me because I can see them in Japan as well. They thought there aren't koalas and kangaroos in Japan. They were surprised when I told them.

I've still made my friends more in these days. The other day, we played soccer in P.E class. Some students play soccer for team showed me ball-lifting. And then I also showed them ball-lifting. It was very excited. And we became friends together. I think playing sports together is one of the most effective ways to make friendships with foreigners.

I really enjoy school life and time with host family. I'll make many more memories with them!!

See you next time!

With best regards,



Hello. Every day is very fulfilling. I am going to write about my life.

At the host family's home, I watch movies with my family and play games with my host brother. On Friday evening all family members play board games. On weekends, we go to the sea and play together. At school, there are many activities to do outside, for example, camping and canoeing. I had a lot of opportunities to communicate with students at the camp. It was a lot of fun. Every Tuesday, I go to a shopping mall and a zoo with my local coordinator and other Meiho students. Every day is a lot of fun.



Hello, Mr. Kamakura!

How are you doing? I am enjoying Australian life. In Beaconhills College, I have many friends and they are all good guys. Last week, I had Personal Development class. In this class, we went to a small lake to run around. On the way to the lake, I talked with my friends. It was sooooo fun. When we arrived at the lake, we started running. It was hard but a good exercise. On the way to back to school, I talked with two girls. We talked about Australian food and we sang Bruno Mars's song! Do you know Bruno Mars? He is very popular all over the world.

By the way, Meiho friends and I are going to hold a small party in Beaconhills College for our host families. We have to say thank you to them. It will be held on March 28th.

Anyways, there are only two weeks left in Australian! It's sooooo sad ... but I wanna study hard and enjoy more!




2017.3.1 【GSP】2017ターム留学生の近況報告2

2017.2.15 【GSP】2017ターム留学生の近況報告1


高校サッカー部OB会1.JPG春分の日である3月20日(月)に高校サッカー部OB会が行われました。 このOB会は高校サッカー部設立当初のメンバーの方も参加している伝統のもので、毎年「春分の日」に行われています。当日は朝から夕方まで現役サッカー部員からOBまでが世代を超え、ひたすらゲームを行いました。OBの中には高校時代を彷彿させる華麗なプレー、「えっマジかぁ!」と声が上がる爆笑を誘う珍プレーなどが続出し、歓声や笑いが絶えませんでした。また試合をするよりも旧友や恩師との再会を懐かしみ、会話に花を咲かせているOBも多く、一種のミニ同窓会のような趣もありました。このように何期にもわたる卒業生が一同に会し、OB会を行っている部活動も珍しく、今後も継続させていかなくてはならないと感じます。 現役の生徒にもお互いの絆をさらに深め、将来、皆がそろってこのOB会に帰ってきてほしいと願います。





教科:社会  発行所:清水  教科書名:新中学校 歴史 日本の歴史と世界










①早稲田大学 社会科学部

②東京農工大学 工学部






卒業式2.JPG 3月4日(土)、本校の第51回卒業証書授与式が行われました。少し肌寒いながらも青空の下で、51期生112名が無事に本校を巣立っていきました。午前中の卒業証書授与式に続き、卒業を祝う会が行われ、和やかな雰囲気の中で、卒業生から担任や保護者に感謝の言葉が伝えられました。











Dear, Mr. Kamakura.

Hello, Mr. Kamakura!!! How are you doing? I have been faced with many challenges now.

Two weeks ago, my friend and I were asked to show everyone how to make origami. First, we made some fish and balloons. Everybody had struggled to but we had fun together.

It's now getting easier for me to communicate with my host family and Australian friends. Also, they help me review the contents I learned in class at home. Every Tuesday, our coordinator Gail comes to school. She helps us with the tourist information for field trips or teaches English to us.

Last weekend, I had many events. On Saturday, My host family and their relatives invited me to a birthday party. The relatives' house was 7.4 kilometers away from my house. The birthday party began was at 8 o'clock. The twin daughters of the relative had their birthday on this day and they became 21 years old. On Sunday, my host family and I went to a shopping mall in order to make dinner. The shopping mall was 2 kilometers away from my house. The name of shopping mall is Casey Central. I cooked curry and rice in Japanese style for my host family. Everyone told me that it was delicious.

At school, I made a lot of friends in physical education and a variety of other classes. I would like to cherish every single day because there are only remaining four weeks and a little more.

See you next week!! S.K.


Hello, Mr. Kamakura.

I've got used to life in Australia. I feel that Australia is worth visiting and studying here. I made lots of friends and am having good time with them.

In P.E. class, we play baseball. I had played baseball for about 7 years, so I am a good model player. I hit homeruns in the game! When I hit a homerun for the first time, my classmates were so surprised! I enjoyed the game a lot!

In order to overcome language barrier, I often use gestures. However, I am starting understand what they say and they also understand me, too. I will write to you soon.



Dear Mr. Kamakura,

I went to the sea on Feb 11. I found crabs, hermit crabs, fish, starfish and a dead shark! The dead shark was eaten by birds!! I was surprised! I ate fish & chips. By the way, the fish was shark!! I was surprised again!! After dinner, I went outside to see koala but I couldn't find one. I was very tired, so I fell asleep soon that day.

On Feb 13, I spoke to a student who I had never spoken to before. It was good for my English practice.

On Feb 14, I went to a place where I can feed some birds. After that, I went to a shop and ate ice cream. I had felt sick since then. Also, I got on an old train. It was a steam locomotive. When I was riding on the train, I put my arms and legs out of the window. It was exciting!

After coming back to school, we got ready for school camp. I was too tired to stand up straight. I slept soon in the tent. The temperature was low but I didn't feel cold because I had a fever. The next day, I felt good in the morning. I put the tent back and ate a lot of foods. I went to a mountain to hike. It took 3 hours to finish hiking. My bag was 18kg!! After going back home, I went to bed soon.

We went to Ann's friend's house. I went fishing but I couldn't catch any fish. We went to the beach and walked on the beach. The waves and winds were very strong. After dinner, we went to see kangaroos. They were fighting! After that, we went to the beach again. I took beautiful pictures. I thought Australia's beach is more beautiful than Japanese beach. Next day, we went to Philip Island and Churchill Island. I saw cow milking and sheep shearing. I bought dark chocolate there. It was very good. I went to a fish farm to catch some fish. I caught puffer and rainbow trout! I cooked rainbow trout after coming back home.

I played tennis today. I had never played tennis before. I played tennis with a little boy. Maybe he was 8 years old or so. It was exciting!

Time flies when you're having fun. I want to enjoy the rest of the time here.




Hello! My apologies for the late reply. I'm fine and getting better at speaking English. But I'm too shy to start a conversation with local people. So I need to make more effort.

Last Friday, I watched a soccer game with Japanese friends and his host family. That was an exciting game. Everybody was excited. We cheered our city team but they lost by a score of three to one.so I felt frustrated. But the game was really fun.

Yesterday, I went to my Australian friend's house. My friend and I have a good chemistry! We played games together and listened to music that he made. His family was really nice. I received a warm hospitality from them. This time was really good! And we went to a festival and saw projection mapping. It was very beautiful. It made me impressed.



Hello, Mr. Kamakura. How are you? I enjoy Australia. I went to my host mother's farm for three days. It took five hours to get to the farm. On the way, I slept in the car all the time. By the time we got to the farm, it was already 11 pm. So I was very tired.

Next day, I went to MORGAN's LOOKOUT with my host brother. The scenery was really clear there. Next, I went to an old church. The church was very beautiful. And I felt the history there. I rode a tractor after lunch. The tractor was very big. And I fed cows. After that, I had my host brother show me other tractors. There were around twenty tractors there. And I asked him how much they cost. He said they are two thousand-hundred dollars altogether. I was surprised. I ate with my host mother's brothers at night. I had a good time.



Hi! Mr. Kamakura!

How are you? I am still having a great life! In Beacon Hills College, I take math, Art, Personal Development and so on. Personal Development is the most difficult class for me. It's about religion.

By the way, I had a swimming carnival the other day.

I took part in freestyle 50m and breaststroke 50m. First, I swam freestyle. I was in the 4th place. Australian students swam fast! And then, I swam breaststroke. I wanted to win a prize, so I swam as fast as I could. Yes! I got it! I got the second prize. I was very glad!

I am very glad to come to Australia. I do not want to back to Japan!

Best wishes,



Hi, Mr. Kamakura. How are you? I am tired now because English is so difficult!

I am learning lots of things! For example, in bible class, we are learning Christianity in details. At the beginning of the class, it was very very boring because I couldn't understand what the teacher said. But now it is very fun because the teacher explanations to me so I can easily understand. I think the teacher has been worried about us, Japanese students.

Last week I had basketball game in gymnasium. This game was the first time to do an official game for me. I was very nervous because I don't have stamina. The first game was a good game but we lost... And next game too.... but the last game we won! I was very very happy! I think that to play basketball is very fun! I want to play it again with the same members and win a victory!!

Yesterday, I went to a park to see Australia animals. I saw koalas, kangaroos and birds. There, I bought some food to feed kangaroo and wallaby. The kangaroos were very cute, so I want to have them as pet. When I touched them, the fur was soft and did not smell bad. I want to see them again!!



Dear Mr. Kamakura,

Hello, Mr. Kamakura. Now it's noon in Australia. I am going to talk about my experience.

First, February 14th my global teacher took us to a souvenir shop. There was a bird park near the shop. We touched some birds. Their claw was very sharp. Therefore if they get on my shoulder, my shoulder would bleed. In the souvenir shop, my friend and I bought Bubble-gum flavored ice cream. It is an Australian special ice cream. After a few hours later, he and I rode a train which has steam engine. It was introduced on TV. Therefore when I was in Japan I thought that I would to ride that train. I am happy because I was able to ride that train .

Second, yesterday I went to my host father's workplace because yesterday was a day off for me. It took us one hour to get there. On the train, he read a book and I listened to music. After we got off the train, we walked for thirty minutes. It was hard for me. I saw a Thai restaurant. His workplace is near the city. We arrived at his workplace. It was a university. It was very very big. His office was near the library. I had talked with his coworkers. They were very kind. Yesterday was a very good experience for me.



Dear Mr. Kamakura,

Hi! I'm having fun in my Australian school life. I take system engineering which is computer design class. In the class, we had to make an audio speaker and it was a hard work. However, I finished the assignment and finished submitting it. I also take Personal Development class and it is so hard to understand the contents because the lessons have religious vocabulary. But I try to understand them by using translator. I can't understand some words even in Japanese but I think I'm doing well in the class.

I got another new friend and his name is Regan. He is cool and funny because he plays games that we usually do in Japan.

The other day, I went to the soccer game with my host family and my Japanese friends. We watched a match, Melbourne city vs Sidney FC. We cheered on Melbourne city but they lost by 1 to 3. Although they lost the match, we had a good time together!



Dear, Mr. Kamakura

Hello, Mr. Kamakura! How are you? More than a month have passed since I came here. I feel time is passing faster.

Yesterday, I made okonomiyaki for my host brother. I knew that they didn't like any sea food, but I used shrimps and squids to have them experience real taste. As a result, they really liked it. I also was very glad to hear that.

These days, I sometimes miss my family in Japan and think about the life after going back to Japan ... but Australian people are so kind that I don't want to back to Japan! So, I'm going through a physiological conflict every day.

By the way, I can't use Wi-Fi in Australia. So, I have to live without mobile phone. At first, I felt an inconvenience every time because I always use my phone almost always when I was in Japan. But recently, I feel comfortable, for I can have much time to do something else. I think I'm changing not only as an English speaker and but also as an adult.

The school I attend, Edinburgh College, has a large number of events. The overnight camp we had two weeks ago was one of them. We made own dishes, put up our tents on the first day of the camp. Next day, we went to a mountain hike. Australian students walked so fast that I couldn't keep up with them (It was probably nothing more than my lacking of exercise). At that time, some students said to me, "Do you wanna be map reader?" To be honest, I didn't want to do it because I was not sure whether I can read map correctly. But I said "Yes!" right away because I wanted to experience a lot of things here. I think we must make much effort to make our study abroad successful at all costs because our parents paid a large amount of money for us.

We have two camps until end of the term one. One is for three days, and the other is for five days!! I am really looking forward to those camps.

I'll do my best during the rest of my studying abroad!! See you next time!

Best wishes,



Sorry I was late for sending email. I joined a host family's friend's party. So I talked with many people in English. Talking to other students at school has increased. I think that the number of conversations with the host family has increased, too. I fished with my host family and they took me to various places. Since I was told that it is still necessary to make efforts from the Group Coordinator, I think that I want to get there.




2017.2.15 【GSP】2017ターム留学生の近況報告1

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