明法ニュース 教科指導



2月14日(火)、「21世紀(高2文系選択科目)」の授業で外部より講師(Michael Lacktorin氏:iCLA学部長・教授)をお招きして、以下のテーマで特別授業(使用言語:英語)を実施しました。

AI時代におけるリベラルアーツの重要性 ~第4次産業革命期に活躍できる人材へ~



"The world is changing faster than it has ever changed before," started our quest speaker. "If you cannot be creative, you will be defeated by a robot!" This is how our special lecture started. Professor Michael Lacktorin, who is formerly a professor and dean of Akita International University and currently the Founding Dean of the International College of Liberal Arts of Yamanashi Gakuin University, visited Meiho's 21st Century course today. He talked with our students about how they can best prepare for an increasingly uncertain future. Professor Lacktorin started by painting a bleak picture of the future, one which will be full of human workers being replaced by artificial intelligence and robots. Then, he seamlessly built up the hope of our students by telling them just what is necessary to not only survive, but thrive, in the future: the human heart, expressed through creativity. And just what is creativity? It is "connecting the dots" between different experiences and academic fields. He exemplified this idea through Steve Jobs, whose life is a model of such. To be successful in the future, students need to make many dots (have many experiences) that are spread over a wide range of subjects (science, art, history, economics, etc.) Finally, they need to connect all of their dots, creating new insights, new ways of thinking, new solutions. This is what gives Professor Lacktorin "goose bumps," and what he and his colleagues passionately aim for in their liberal arts program. It is also exactly what will provide students with the tools they need to write their very own success stories in an uncertain future. Thanks for visiting us today, Professor Lacktorin.

Here's to a successful future for you and for us!!




2017/2/15 【GSP】2017ターム留学生の近況報告1


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