明法ニュース 教科指導




2月23日(火)、「21世紀(高2文系選択科目)」の授業で外部より講師(稲田昌秀氏)をお招きして、「異文化コミュニケーション力とは~グローバルビジネスの現場経験から~」と題したワークショップ(使用言語:英語)を実施しました。これは、普段学習している内容(「異文化協働力」「21世紀型スキルとイノベーション」etc.)に関して、実際に世界で活躍するグローバル・パーソンによるワークショップ型の授業を受けることで、更なる考察を深めると同時に、英語で積極的にコミュニケーションをとる態度を育成することを目的とした企画です。IBMやCorning、Applied Materialsなどのグローバル企業勤務を経てこられた稲田先生の豊富な体験談から、生徒は様々なことを学ばせて頂きました。以下、今回ファシリテーターを務めた本校ネイティブ教員による授業内容報告です。

The life experiences of other's is a powerful learning opportunity. This past week, our 21st Century students had exactly that with our most recent guest speaker. Mr. Inada, a true gentleman, shared his life story with our boys. After learning about his early days in Fukuoka and his journey to Tokyo and days at Yokohama National University, our discussion turned to Mr. Inada's career, which gave him the opportunity to develop his English abilities while working in Research & Development and Human Resources for international companies such as IBM and Applied Materials. There were two pieces of advice that he gave to our students that stuck out. The first, which he learned in a university theatrical performance class in Hawaii, is the importance of overcoming one's shyness. Through training, even the shyest of us can develop self-confidence that allows us to interact with, and speak in front of others. The second is the importance of building up conversation and communication skills, which are not only important in one's personal life but also necessary in one's professional life as well. These lessons are especially important for Japanese who often resort to silence in order to avoid any potential loss of face. Japanese speakers of English need to focus on conveying their ideas and interacting amiably, and through doing so, improve their English abilities and increase their life and professional opportunities. Mr. Inada is a clear role model for our students, who have benefited greatly through their opportunity to spend some time with him. Thanks a million, Mr. Inada.

☆★☆★☆★☆ 大学「進学先」【速報】 ★☆★☆★☆


〇慶応大学・文学部(社会学)   〇学習院大学・国際社会学部  
〇青山学院大学・経済学部      〇立命館大学・健康科学部
