明法ニュース 教科指導



11月8日(土)、「21世紀(高2文系選択科目)」の授業で外部より講師をお招きして、「グローバル企業のマーケティング戦略と21世紀スキルの関係性」と題したワークショップ(使用言語:英語)を実施しました。講師のChris Worthington氏は、米国の大学院でInformation Science(情報科学)を学び、現在は某大手外資系企業(40カ国以上で事業展開するグローバル企業)でIT統括部長を務めています。「企業は、どうすれば自社の製品やサービスをより良くすることができるか、日々考え続けている。問題や顧客の不満は、改善のための格好の材料。問題解決のための答えは1つとは限らない。アイデアを出せるようになるためには"訓練"が必要。また、ITは21世紀における問題解決手段として不可欠なツール(スキル)」― このような熱いメッセージの後、生徒達は実際にゲーム会社のマーケティング・ケーススタディーを通じて、「問題を発見し、解決策を考え、アイデアを出し合う」といった訓練を行いました。以下、ファシリテーターを務めた本校ネイティブ教師によるコメントです。

What is it like to work in Tokyo as a foreigner? What is it like for Japanese employees to work under foreign managers? What job skills will Japanese students need to be successful in the 21st century? These are questions that our students became more familiar with this past Saturday, November the 8th. Our 21st Century class was blessed to have an opportunity to interact with an energetic and knowledgeable American IT Manager who lives and works in Tokyo. The first hour was a high-paced and fun interaction with students working together to ask Mr. Worthington questions about his life, from growing up in California to his reasons for moving to Japan. During this hour, Meiho students were also asked many things by Mr. Worthington and did an excellent job of fielding these questions. During the second hour, discussion turned to the IT world and what Japanese students could be doing to prepare for working in the 21st century. Mr. Worthington shared a story of his company, based in Tokyo, trying to hire a Japanese IT employee who was bilingual. However, even with being in Tokyo and after several months of looking, they still couldn't find a suitable person and eventually ended up hiring a non-Japanese person. Thus, he stressed the importance of Japanese people learning English and becoming bilingual at a high level. Mr. Worthington also gave students concrete examples of the types of problems companies in Tokyo have to overcome and talked about the importance of developing problem-solving skills. Finally, Mr. Worthington challenged our students to think about how they could turn their interests into careers and advised them that diligence is the key to success. Our students definitely got a lot out of their meeting with Mr. Worthington and have come away as much stronger individuals excited about their futures.

2014年10月22日 ICTを活用して米国の高校生と討論!
2014年4月21日 授業紹介「21世紀」(高2)-国際教養力と21世紀スキルを身につける!



