明法ニュース 教科指導


ISIS増大の原因をフローチャートで考察.jpg授業の基本は「対話型」!.jpgCNN Student Newsを視聴.png


Recent events in the Middle East have forced Japan to confront the Islamic State (IS).

Today in the 21st Century class, students watched a CNN Student News clip on how the world will deal with IS after they executed Japanese and Jordanian prisoners.

Students spent time explaining the background that led up to these tragic events and also discussing the situation from the Japanese perspectives.

Most student comments touched on the idea that Japan could take up a more active non-military role, for example, by engaging with the local Sunni populations, providing economic aid, and getting more involved in international organizations. With students like these, not only is Japan's future bright, but the world's future is brighter. Way to go Meiho!

